Apr 10
Apple’s Aluminum keyboard has received a firmware update and is now at version 1.0. Both the wired and wireless versions of the keyboard have been updated. These keyboards ship either by themselves or with new Mac systems. Apple’s explanation of what this firmware update is after the break.
Continue reading Apple Aluminum Keyboard Receives Firmware Update To Version 1.0
Apr 09
Apple has released a Firmware Restoration CD and this version is 1.6. This Firmware Restoration CD includes a number of updates for several Mac’s.
Continue reading Firmware Restoration CD Version 1.6 Released For Several Mac Models
Apr 08
The aluminum iMac has also received the EFI firmware update treatment as the MacBook, MacBook Pro and MacBook Air did earlier today. The update version for the firmware on the iMac has also reached 1.3.
Continue reading iMac Apple Computer Receives EFI Firmware Update To Version 1.3
Apr 08
Tuesday’s are known in the computer industry as the update day. Well, today is no exception. Apple has released several firmware updates for the consumer MacBook, MacBook Pro and the newer, light and thin MacBook Air. As usual, Apple says little to nothing about what changes there are in the updates.
Continue reading MacBook Air, MacBook Pro and MacBook Receives EFI Firmware Updates
Apr 01
A consulting firm recently has published a survey from a group of Apple iPhone cell phone users. The name of the firm is Rubicon Consulting. The report is quite long but here at TheMacWizard.com we have made it easier to understand. Check out the stats, you might be surprised at what you see. Continue reading iPhone Owners Surveyed Results Are Surprising Mostly Not Mac Users