News of iPhone’s hidden processor was found to be a 620MHz ARM CPU. The details for the CPU are interesting and may foreshadow what’s to come to the iPhone.
ARM1176JZF chip with TrustZone (enables trusted computing environment for media, applications, network, operating system which is not good news for hackers).
It seems that the iPhone can throttle its processing capabilities from 620MHz to 700MHz or more, depending on what required at the time.
ARM Intelligent Energy Manager which reduces power consumption 25-50% in portable devices.
16K / 16K cache
It includes a vector floating point co-processor which is great for embedded 3D graphics.
ARM Jazelle technology enabled for embedded Java execution.
SIMD a high performance integer CPU (8-stage pipeline, 675 Dhrystone, 2.1 MIPS)
0.45 mW/MHz power draw (with cache)
Reports across the web about the iPhone battery have been very favorable, even among the die hard Apple fans. There is a Samsung chip in the iPhone (S3C6400) which is clocked at 667MHz and its specifications are ARM1176JZF. In any case I am going to wait until the 3G model arrives, which may or not be in six months to a year from now. Sources for this post are Engadget and Gearlog.