Goldman Sachs is estimating that 700,000 iPhones have been sold in the first weekend. The availability page from Apple’s site tells us a story of high demand and a slow ability to replenish supplies. Saturday June 30th, Apple showed 100% availability at their stores although reports say that these were only stocked with 4GB versions. On Monday, stock dropped off to 84% and then just 61% as of yesterday, July 2nd. Today July 3rd, Apple’s only showing a 42% availability, which are most likely the less desirable 4GB model.
AT&T stores still do not have any stock of the iPhone in either the 4GB or 8GB versions. They have been out of stock since their opening hours on June 29th. This means however, that Apple fans will have to either find a store which may not be in your area or order online. Information for this post is from Engadget and Goldman Sachs. The wait for an iPhone ordered online is between two to four weeks. The silver lining of course to this is that Apple is selling more iPhones than expected.