France Telecom’s Orange wireless has announced that the EDGE enabled iPhone cell phone will go on sale this evening at 6:30pm 18.30 for European readers. They will be sold at more than a dozen of its stores around France.
The stores will charge between 49 Euro ($72) and 119 Euro ($175) per month. In addition to the monthly cost, the iPhone will set users back 399 Euro. Orange’s customers of France Telecom can also purchase an iPhone to unlock. This will cost an additional 100 Euro on the date of purchase or receive the unlock code for free after six months. The sixth month law was setup to protect users from companies that lock their phones so that they can only be used with that provider. If purchased this way, the user is still under a 1 or 2 year contract for service.
People may also buy the iPhone sans contract for 649 Euro ($957) plus 100 Euro for unlocking or 549 Euro ($809) if they go with an Orange wireless plan without a time commitment. Via Engadgetmobile.