Apple consumer electronics devices almost always are on ‘Best of’ lists from a wide range of media outlets, small to mainstream. Once in a long while a product will make it to a ‘Worst of’ list. It seems this just happens to be one of those times. The Apple TV is on the ‘Top 10 Worst Tech Product’ for 2007 by Yahoo! Tech.
The Apple TV has made the list for a few reasons. First, the Apple TV has not had software updates that a normal Apple product receives. Any user with the current Apple TV is not able to purchase any media from the iTunes store directly. Who wants to go to the computer, purchase a song or video and then go back to the Apple TV to use the media? Finally, the Apple TV does not have any shred of any kind of DVR capabilities. This one feature alone would not only sell more Apple TV’s but also keep the current users very happy.
All of this should change by the next MacWorld expo in 2008 in San Francisco. Maybe if we keep out fingers tied, Steve will introduce a software update for the current Apple TV and release a new model for the rest of us waiting. Via Tuaw.